Cu-cú, Tas-tás
1-3 Years – 25 minutes
Cu-ckoo, tas-tas, upside down we are going to play. Simple concepts of opposites.
Visual and musical spectacle that tries to boost the attention span of children.
Cuckoo Tastas is a little goblin who wants to do things right and not confuse full-empty, up-down, near-far, small-large…
And his friends and family will help him learn.
Download puppet theatre: Cu-cú, Tas-tás
At the stage area will be located both the action and the public.
Due to its characteristics at the show there will be a maximum of 25 babies with their mammies and daddies.
Download poster Cucú tastás
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2 Comentarios
(Español) Deja tu comentario
12 de April de 2014
Hola! Hemos pasado una tarde estupenda juntó a cucú, toto, verde, y todos sus amigos. Nuestra peque, Valentina, disfruto como nunca! Risas, emociones y magia que hacen brillar los ojos inocentes de los niños. Gracias!
5 de February de 2014
Tivemos a oportunidade de disfrutar de este contacontos, fai un ano. O meu pequeno quedou prendado de Cu-Cu, que despois de un ano segue a lembrase del. Como vimos que estará de novo na SGAE, sen dúbida acudiremos de novo.
Parabéms, polo voso bo facer